The Better Dad Project

“The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams, and aspirations he sets not only for himself but for his family.”

― Reed Markham

Would you like to stop struggling and get out of the rat race of work, work, work but never seem to make traction?

I've been on a mission to break out of the norm and find ways to improve myself, my mindset, and get better for my family.

Why? Because norm just doesn't cut it, and my family deserves more. "Normal" people are broke, work themselves to death, and are missing out on a lot of time with the people who matter the most in their lives.

I am also working towards being financially free to decide how I want to spend my time.

I am learning this for myself, but I also want to help you reach your goals and have more time for what matters most; your family.

If you have a similar desire, join me in the Better Dad Project.

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